Learn new, real-life vocabulary.

Easily, using your smartphone camera! Take a picture, select the words, translate and create a flashcard!

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Where do you keep the vocabulary and terms that you’d like to remember?

CamLexicon is the best place for store terms or vocabulary that you yourself want to know. We will not teach you vocabulary from made-up situations – you are in charge. Whether you’re a novice or a polyglot, you can create your own lexicon from content that matters to you.

Create your own lexicon from your phone camera or manually

App can recognize and translate text in images

Access your content even when offline

Store the terms in collections for easy ordering

Get it on Google Play


Is this like Google Translate?

The camera functionality is very similart – CamLexicon can recognize text in pictures and translate it. And that’s how far Google Translate takes you – but there’s so much more that can be done!

Can you add …

CamLexicon is very early. There are many exciting features we’re planning to add!

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